Wednesday 14 July 2010

"When I lost 1 Stone in 3 weeks I was shocked, but when I lost 5 Stone, I was blown away..."

Hello there, my name is Sookie and I live in London. Before You go wasting your money on products that say they work....but don't....please read my story of how I lost 5 stone 4 pounds of fat in just 15 weeks.......I know it sounds bizarre, but it's true! Before You go wasting your money on products that say they work....but don't....please read my personal story.

Before I tell you how I did it, I want you to know that my success came only after many diet failures. I think I went on every diet in existence at least once...maybe even twice. I cut calories, exercised, and mixed a lot of tasteless shakes. I was what you call a typical yoyo dieter.

Let Me just show you of how I looked before and after taking these 2 weight loss products. I lost 5 stone 4 Pounds!

This was a period of 15 weeks before and after taking Acai Berry Select & Digest It Colon Cleansing

So Whats The Secret?

Long Story Short: I used 2 diet supplement products that I saw on TV and online. Acai Berry Select and Digest It Colon Cleansing, helped me lose 5 stones in under 15 weeks. The best part is, I was able to get them with a free trial:

Step 1: Acai Berry Select

Step 2: Digest It Colon Cleansing


The first I heard about Acai Berry Select and Digest It Colon Cleanse was through another weight loss blog. It was by a lady called Ellen who had lost 3 Stone in 12 weeks (which don't get me wrong I would have been more then happy with!)

She discovered the 'double diet'. She tried both the special blend of Acai Berry Select and digest it colon cleanse to increase chances of losing weight, and the two go together extremely well.

When I combined these two methods, I needed to find a way to test it without spending lots of money. I searched for a few days and found some great free trials of products to test.

If you are interested in getting a Free trial, I have listed the links below that I found:

Step 1: Click Here For Acai Berry Select Free Trial -

Step 2: Click Here For Digest It Colon Cleanse Free Trial - get the best results the trick is to use them BOTH TOGETHER.

The Breakdown:

So basically I recorded all my Weight loss weekly, these were the results:

Weeks 1 - 4 = In the first week alone I lost 7 Pounds! By Week 4 I had lost a total of 21 Pounds (1 Stone, 7 Pounds) This Was By Using The Free Trials Only!

Weeks 5 - 8 = In Month 2 I lost a total of 22 Pounds (I don't have a clue what I done different but a stone is a stone!)

Weeks 9 - 12 = In My Final Month I Lost 18 Pounds again which bought me to the total of 48 Pounds lost!

Weeks 13 - 15 = In the Final 3 Weeks I Lost 15 Pounds. This Was A Total Of 76 Pounds In 15 Weeks... and what's more....I have maintained my weight!

My Daily Routine:

So this was my daily routine. I am not going to say I didn't break the rules, as I was still eating quite a lot of carbs but this was how it was done:

The timing is crucial so this is exactly what I did! Here's how I combine two so effectively:

Step 1:

Trial of Acai Berry Select is the first and most important part of my routine. I took Acai Berry Select 3 times a day. Morning, noon and night.

Acai Berry Select helps me:

- Regulate my metabolism

- Suppress my hunger during the day

- Boost my energy so I could focus on my hobbies, job, and just more 'me' time.

- Lose weight from my body by replacing coffee and soda with Acai Berry Select

- I got a free 14-day trial of Acai Berry Select and I simply love the fact that I can Acai Berry Select and go on with my day with no worries. This would not work nearly as effective on it's own, as when I combined it with step 2.

Step 2:

Trial of Click Here For Digest It Colon Cleanse Free Trial is the second important step in my routine. Without this step I wouldn't have lost the weight at the speed that I did. It literally took inches of my waiste instantly. I had one digest it colon cleanser every evening so I was still burning calories in my sleep. It really made a crucial difference for cleansing the toxins in my body. While Acai Berry Select gives me energy and helps suppress my hunger, My digest it colon Remedy:

- Removes the harmful toxins in my body

- Removes walls of aged sludge in my colon

- Helped me lose several inches off my waist that exercise couldn't do

- Helped reduce my blood pressure and cholesterol levels

- I got the free trial pack of Digest It Colon Cleanse and I took 1 pill in the morning and 1 in the evening when I have my Acai Berry Select. They are the perfect weight-loss combination, helping me shed flab and cleanse my system of harmful waste build up. (That's why I call it the 'double diet')

Now It's Up To You:

Well I have told you it can be done....I am not trying to sell a product to you like a sales person... These products have worked on me! I am the proof in the pudding!

Also I have found these Free Trials To unable you to see how effective these products actually are, In the first month alone I lost 1 stone 7 pounds. After Seeing the effect I bought the products but you don't have to.

I used to come up with all the excuses about not being able to lose weight but there is NOW NO EXCUSE! If people want to lose weight they can!

Good Luck!

Jul 20, 2010 at 11:44 am

I actually feel ashamed after just getting back from my summer holiday, I wore a sarong the whole time. I realized that I had to do something about my weight, and this seems like the most common sense way of losing weight. A herbal tea and a colon cleanser. Lets hope next year I can wear my bikini that I used to fit into, thanks for sharing this info Sookie x

Jul 19, 2010 at 06:36 am

I have just finished the free trials and have lost 7 pounds. I am over the moon! I actually thought cho yung would taste disgusting but it really nice lol. Iv just ordered the 6 month supply of both, I actually prefer it than normal tea now!
Sookie - Administrator

Jul 17, 2010 at 9:09 pm

Ok everyone, so I have had word that the free trials are going to be stopping shortly, maybe in like a week tops! they are going to only be offering the 3, 6 and 9 month packages again.

Apparently some people are trying to get more than 1 free trials cho yung especially. PLEASE ONLY GET ONE FREE TRIAL PER PERSON AS THEY CAN SEE IS YOU HAVE PURCHASED A FREE TRIAL BEFORE THROUGH THEM!

This way hopefully they will keep them going as well giving other people the opportunities to use the free trials to lose weight,

Thanks all,
Sookie - Administrator
Jul 15, 2010 at 7:02 pm

@ nicr, I am actually just setting up twitter now so will post on here when I have completed. I really don't understand how it works, I have just got my head around this facebook lol
Nic R
Jul 15, 2010 at 7:43 am

do you have twitter sookie?

Jul 13, 2010 at 11:45 am

me to just signed up for the free trials! I can see your profile on facebook also, do you mind if I add you as a friend on facebook as well? thanks, Vicky x
Emma C
Jul 13, 2010 at 9:12 am

Hey Sookie, Your story is very inspiring, i also will keep u updated, lets hope its as good as every1 says! x
Sookie - Administrator
Jul 12, 2010 at 8:31 pm

Really Sorry Everyone but I am going to have to put the forum on hold for a few days until I update all the incoming emails. This really is overwhelming. I did not expect such a great response. Will Update all the comments shortly.

Kind Regards,
Jul 12, 2010 at 8:59 am

Never did I think losing weight would be so easy. Its been 2 weeks and I have lost 10 Pounds!
Jul 11, 2010 at 11:27 am

Its been 1 month and I have lost just over a stone. I really was skeptical but it does actually work! And Best Of all I have only paid shipping! haha. Thanks Amy.
Jul 11, 2010 at 1:17 pm

Sookie, I just want to say thanks as I can't tell you how much my life has changed after using these products. I am a new women after losing 3 stone. I also want to share my story and am looking at setting up my own site also,

Many Thanks, Jodie x
Sookie - Administrator
Jul 11, 2010 at 10:27 am

Thanks for all the success stories, please do keep them coming.
Jul 11, 2010 at 1:03 am

Hi Sookie Me Again. Just wanted to keep you updated and it has been 1 week and I have lost 6 Pounds.. In 1 week! Just wanted to say thanks as this is really changing me, will keep you updated!
Jul 08, 2010 at 9:40 am

I actually took your advice and ordered the two 4 weeks ago. I have just finished the free trials and lost 1 Stone 4 Pounds. Which I am over the moon with!
Sookie - Administrator
Jul 07, 2010 at 11:11 pm

@Gemma, good question. After looking into it I found that around 85% of people that sign up for the free trials end up being so happy with these 2 products that they end up buying it. I personally think that the other 15% either just want to lose a little weight so only use the products for the 1 month free trial. This is why they can afford to do it.

@Sarah. Again another good question. And the answer is that by taking the Colon Cleanse tablets in the evening, you will continue to burn calories whilst you are sleeping, so cho yung works actively in the day, and colon cleanse actively at night. A 24 hour process.

Hope this answers your questions. Any more questions please do keep submitting,


Jul 07, 2010 at 2:18 pm

Is there any particular reason why I should take the Colon Cleanse tablets in the evening, only as I remember better taking them in the morning?
Jul 07, 2010 at 9:05 pm

Why are these companies giving away free trials? I mean how can they afford to?
Sookie- Administrator
Jul 05, 2010 at 8:59 am

@Maria, not long. I think it was about 3 or 4 days for both.
Jul 04, 2010 at 6:03 pm

How long did it take to ship?
Jul 04, 2010 at 2:18 pm

This website is brilliant Sookie! Thanks for the incite and will definitely order the two now and keep you updated.

Saturday 12 June 2010

Healing Powers of Acai Berry

According to, Acai berry is considered as one of the secret gems of the Amazon. Five years ago, these fruits are very hard to find in South America. Today, you can find it anywhere across the United States. You can see it in many health food stores because of its medicinal and health properties. It became very popular because of the powerful healing and health properties that are present in the fruit itself.

Some research on how to cure cancer led to the discovery of the berry. It is said that pure acai berry extract can help destroy cancer cells in your body.
When buying the fruit, one must remember to purchase only freeze dried and organic acai fruits. Freeze drying the fruit allows it to maintain all its nutritional values and high level of antioxidant without the risk of spoiling them. You must read the label first before buying the fruit. It must be freeze dried and organic to ensure high quality product.

What makes the acai fruit very popular?

The acai berry is completely different. Acai has been considered as one of the most nutritious and health inducing foods in the planet. The USDA reported that the acai fruit has the highest antioxidant activity on any food that has been reported. Antioxidant is very important in reducing cancer and avoiding heart disease. This berry also contains anthocyanins and flavonoids that are effective in neutralizing free radicals in the body.

A research was also conducted to know more about the acai fruit. The research concluded that the acai fruit is one of the most effective and the most powerful antioxidant supplement today.

Aside from it healing powers, acai fruit can also be used in healthy long term weight loss programs. It is packed with fatty acids, protein, and minerals. It can also be a dietary additive of the people who has diabetes, because it has low glycemic index making it completely safe for people with the disease.

There are other health benefits that you can get from the acai fruit. Some of these are increased energy, high metabolic rate, improved digestion, improved vision, slower age related decline, reduced risk of heart disease, and enhanced immunity, among others.

Facts about Losing Weight

Many people nowadays are very conscious with their figures. This is the reason why there are so many programs that promise to weight loss. However, not all programs work for all individuals. The differences in our genes and in our body build account for various programs that exists nowadays.

We must remember some essential facts so that the program that we will choose will have better chances of slimming us up. Here are some facts:
Some carbohydrates must be avoided; instead we must start a diet with fiber-rich foods. Many popular diets promotes high fiber and low carbohydrates foods. This diet is important in losing weight. When we get used to eating this kind of diet, we will get our desired weight in a short period.

Genes plays an important role on how fast our metabolism is and how fast it will burn down our calories. Individuals have unique metabolism. The amount of physical activity we do will burn down our calories intake. Therefore, less physical activities will result in less burned calories. There are ways to increase one’s metabolism, so it is not an excuse.

Avoid fats. Fats are always present in foods. There are good and bad fats. Good fats are used by the body for energy while bad fats must be avoided because they may cause heart diseases and hypertension.
Do not skip meals. Starving ourselves by skipping a meal is not advisable to lose weight. It is actually dangerous to your health. Its effect is that you will gain more weight instead of losing it because the fats which are necessary for energy will be stocked in your body when you skip meals. Eating small meals five times in a day is better than eating three heavy meals.

These are the important facts which we must be aware of. Now that we are informed about this, we can now start losing weight. One last parting shot: Remember: Without self-discipline, we may forget everything in this article; because any program will take away excess weights only if we know how to discipline ourselves.

Good luck.

Sunday 30 May 2010

How to colon cleanse at home

How to colon cleanse at home

How to Cleanse the Colon Naturally Fast?

How to cleanse the colon naturally fast
is important and has healthy benefits as well. By naturally cleasing your colon it will help you lose weight.
You have to make sure your colon is clean always. If you don't your digestive system gets prone to diseases.

So how to cleanse the colon naturally fast?

You can start by consumng roughage rich and fiber foods. The benefits of eating fiber is that it will help reduce the glycemic effect of meals and contributing to colon health, there is evidence that fiber may benefit us in other ways. It seems to help lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and also may help to prevent:

* Ulcers, particularly in the beginning of the small intestine (duodenal ulcers)
* Diabetes
* Heart Disease
* Cancer

Examples of food with fiber are figs,pears,apples,whole grains,wheat-brain and oatmeal.

How to cleanse the colon naturally fast is by eating raw foods. You need to eat fruits and salads more. You will need to do some exercises to keep in shape and healthy.

How to cleanse the colon naturally means you have to have a combination of healthy foods and exercise in your life.

How to Lose Stubborn Weight Fast

So many people are wondering how to lose those pesky pounds off. I know sometimes it feels like it’s not possible. The last couple of years I have been trying every diet under the sun and never just lost that stubborn weight fast. So how to lose stubborn weight fast is no secret at all.

I tried South Beach, Jenny Craig and Atkins and nothing worked for me. I never seemed to have enough time to go the fitness classes.

Something has changed for me and have found something that has done a wondrous job of getting rid of stubborn weight fast. I have lost 5 stone 4 pounds in under 15 weeks. The products that I used heard about them first on a TV show. He talked about a super food called the berry from Brazil.

Because of the numerous health benefits to this berry, it has become referred to as a “super fruit” or “super food”. It contains all the antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins known for helping you lose weight FAST!

The Doctor talked and advised that people should eat the berry and practice a natural cleansing. He showed case studies that showed each person who followed this routine ended up losing a significant amount of weight without having to slave away in the gym! Goodbye calorie counting too! I knew I had to test this out for myself to see if I could really slime down my chubby body.

For me this meant no more calorie counting. So how do I lose stubborn weight fast you must be asking? I found a website offering free trials of the products the Doctor featured, started a blog, and began my diet. I was literally amazed at how fast I have lost stubborn weight.

I have lost weight. I did it without feeling tired, and without feeling hungry! The berry actually helped me get energy to last through the day while curbing my appetite and still keeping me in a good mood!

My favourite part about this diet is that it allowed me to lose 5 stone 4 pounds in under 15 weeks for almost nothing! It is such a simple and powerful diet! What are you waiting for!

Monday 10 May 2010

"When I lost 1 Stone in 3 weeks I was shocked, but when I lost 5 Stone, I was blown away..."

Hello there, my name is Sookie and I live in London. Before You go wasting your money on products that say they work....but don't....please read my story of how I lost 5 stone 4 pounds of fat in just 15 weeks.......I know it sounds bizarre, but it's true! Before You go wasting your money on products that say they work....but don't....please read my personal story.

Before I tell you how I did it, I want you to know that my success came only after many diet failures. I think I went on every diet in existence at least once...maybe even twice. I cut calories, exercised, and mixed a lot of tasteless shakes. I was what you call a typical yoyo dieter.

Let Me just show you of how I looked before and after taking these 2 weight loss products. I lost 5 stone 4 Pounds!

This was a period of 15 weeks before and after taking Acai Berry Select & Digest It Colon Cleansing

So Whats The Secret?

Long Story Short: I used 2 diet supplement products that I saw on TV and online. Acai Berry Select and Digest It Colon Cleansing, helped me lose 5 stones in under 15 weeks. The best part is, I was able to get them with a free trial:

Step 1: Acai Berry Select

Step 2: Digest It Colon Cleansing


The first I heard about Acai Berry Select and Digest It Colon Cleanse was through another weight loss blog. It was by a lady called Ellen who had lost 3 Stone in 12 weeks (which don't get me wrong I would have been more then happy with!)

She discovered the 'double diet'. She tried both the special blend of Acai Berry Select and digest it colon cleanse to increase chances of losing weight, and the two go together extremely well.

When I combined these two methods, I needed to find a way to test it without spending lots of money. I searched for a few days and found some great free trials of products to test.

If you are interested in getting a Free trial, I have listed the links below that I found:

Step 1: Click Here For Acai Berry Select Free Trial -

Step 2: Click Here For Digest It Colon Cleanse Free Trial - get the best results the trick is to use them BOTH TOGETHER.

The Breakdown:

So basically I recorded all my Weight loss weekly, these were the results:

Weeks 1 - 4 = In the first week alone I lost 7 Pounds! By Week 4 I had lost a total of 21 Pounds (1 Stone, 7 Pounds) This Was By Using The Free Trials Only!

Weeks 5 - 8 = In Month 2 I lost a total of 22 Pounds (I don't have a clue what I done different but a stone is a stone!)

Weeks 9 - 12 = In My Final Month I Lost 18 Pounds again which bought me to the total of 48 Pounds lost!

Weeks 13 - 15 = In the Final 3 Weeks I Lost 15 Pounds. This Was A Total Of 76 Pounds In 15 Weeks... and what's more....I have maintained my weight!

My Daily Routine:

So this was my daily routine. I am not going to say I didn't break the rules, as I was still eating quite a lot of carbs but this was how it was done:

The timing is crucial so this is exactly what I did! Here's how I combine two so effectively:

Step 1:

Trial of Acai Berry Select is the first and most important part of my routine. I took Acai Berry Select 3 times a day. Morning, noon and night.

Acai Berry Select helps me:

- Regulate my metabolism

- Suppress my hunger during the day

- Boost my energy so I could focus on my hobbies, job, and just more 'me' time.

- Lose weight from my body by replacing coffee and soda with Acai Berry Select

- I got a free 14-day trial of Acai Berry Select and I simply love the fact that I can Acai Berry Select and go on with my day with no worries. This would not work nearly as effective on it's own, as when I combined it with step 2.

Step 2:

Trial of Click Here For Digest It Colon Cleanse Free Trial is the second important step in my routine. Without this step I wouldn't have lost the weight at the speed that I did. It literally took inches of my waiste instantly. I had one digest it colon cleanser every evening so I was still burning calories in my sleep. It really made a crucial difference for cleansing the toxins in my body. While Acai Berry Select gives me energy and helps suppress my hunger, My digest it colon Remedy:

- Removes the harmful toxins in my body

- Removes walls of aged sludge in my colon

- Helped me lose several inches off my waist that exercise couldn't do

- Helped reduce my blood pressure and cholesterol levels

- I got the free trial pack of Digest It Colon Cleanse and I took 1 pill in the morning and 1 in the evening when I have my Acai Berry Select. They are the perfect weight-loss combination, helping me shed flab and cleanse my system of harmful waste build up. (That's why I call it the 'double diet')

Now It's Up To You:

Well I have told you it can be done....I am not trying to sell a product to you like a sales person... These products have worked on me! I am the proof in the pudding!

Also I have found these Free Trials To unable you to see how effective these products actually are, In the first month alone I lost 1 stone 7 pounds. After Seeing the effect I bought the products but you don't have to.

I used to come up with all the excuses about not being able to lose weight but there is NOW NO EXCUSE! If people want to lose weight they can!

Good Luck!